Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Peru Day #2

It is absolutely amazing to be in this area. The terraces and many buildings are from the 1400s. Many of the most remarkable structures were built with the sun's rising for the summer and winter solstice appearances. The aqueducts are still here, bringing water from the glacier. The walls are built like enormous legos, carved and moved by hand.

We spent the morning at the fortress of Ollantaytambo, at the end of the road from Cusco in the Sacred Valley. We climbed the 300 feet. Whew - 9000 foot altitude makes a differencee. (Gulp- tomorrow is Machu Pichu - 1000 feet I think we were told!)

In the afternoon we saw a beautiful mini-horse show - Peruvian Paso horses. I even rode one!!! We then visited a world famous ceramic artist's studio. He has work in the Chicago Field (I think) Museum, and he recently gave a talk in Washington D.C. on Peruvian Art. His name is Pablo Seminario.

We riding the train tomorrow!!



  1. Wow. This is so beautiful. Unbelievable.

  2. Linda!!!!! You look awesome on the horse!!! Good job :)
